Ваши комментарии

Hi Egor.

At the current time we are not improving the current version of Firework. We are constantly working on the transition of the Firework engine to a new platform. It will happen soon. This way we will fix many fundamental errors and release an improved product. This will happen soon and we will inform you.

Thank you for your interest in our product. It really motivates us.

P. S. I missed to say that we already have MVP of new Firework on a new engine. Beta testing is already started.

Hi Brush.

Thank you for your interest in Firework. A few years ago, we ran into the technological limitations of NW.js engine, all our modest efforts are focused on moving Firework to a new modern and supported engine. In fact, now the development is being carried out by one developer as a pet project. In the coming weeks, we are going to receive investments and pay more attention to the project. We believe in Firework because we use it every day. We do not intend to abandon the project.

Thank you for your question. It really motivates us.

Hi. You can use this option:

Image 242

This way allows to create an account with email login.

Привет, Аркадий. Спасибо за сообщение. Проблема была конфигурационная, мы её исправили. 

Александр, привет. Это известная и пока не решаемая проблема Firework. Скоро запускаем Deepwork (Firework на новом движке) там эта проблема будет решена.

Сожалею. Это быстро невозможно решить. С новой версией решится.

По нашим данным это никогда не работало, потому движок и пилим. :(

Hi. Google is trying to prevent using wild browsers. Here is a simular case. Please try "sign up" option here https://firework.cloud/auth to login via email and password.

Привет, Никита. Изучаем этот вопрос. 

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