Ваши комментарии

Juan, we created a task about icon sizes' standartizing and take it to the plan. You can try new version in 11'th May update. Thanks for feedback.

We can't understand which icon you talking about. Tell us, which icons are good-sized and which icons are too large?

Hi Juan, we know about this problem and took an issue to work. This bug will fixed with 12'th May update. We will inform you.

С обновлением в меню появился пункт "Завершить Firework". В течении часа в главном окне Вашего Firework появится иконка "Обновить". Попробуйте :)

You'll get the update in an hour. Click on it, and Firework will update to the latest ( version. 

We fixed that bug earlier, you can try new version now :)

I can repeat your problem with the 125% scale size. We create an issue and this bug will have fixed after 27'th April update. Thanks for the feedback!

Try to add Google Play Music again. Does that help?

Window size must be remembered in any cases, but I can't repeat this on my machines.

This behaviour appears with only this web application?

Also, tell me your Firework version. Thanks.

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