Under review

Google Account Not Logging In

Brine Playz 4 years ago updated by Alexey Fedorov 4 years ago 1

I Don't Mean the Login While Installing app

i Mean When Going To A Site And Logging With Google Not workz It Says Somthing Like Plz Try A Different Browser


Under review

Hi Brine. Do you use Windows? May be it occurs because of your Google security settings. Google fights with "wild" browsers like Firework. Please try to log in with other account and tell me what's happens. Our Google accounts works fine. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Under review

Hi Brine. Do you use Windows? May be it occurs because of your Google security settings. Google fights with "wild" browsers like Firework. Please try to log in with other account and tell me what's happens. Our Google accounts works fine. 🤷🏻‍♂️