
Use Chromium for Chrome extension.

quentingosset7500 3 years ago updated 2 years ago 6

it would be interesting to use Chromium which allows to use chrome extensions such as password manager.

And why not, not to use the default internal browser of the computer.



Thanks for your idea! The extensions is nearest big feature which we are going to release. We understand importance of this feature. Please be on touch, it coming soon. 🤝


Thanks for your idea! The extensions is nearest big feature which we are going to release. We understand importance of this feature. Please be on touch, it coming soon. 🤝


Agreed! The ability to use extensions is crucial.


Extensions is the only thing keeping me from getting the full version and switch all my workflow to Firework. Many of the web-app I use unfortunately do not have a native Dark Theme for which dark reader fixes. That would also fix the annoyance of no password management. Can't wait for news on progress for this. Thanks

Still not avaialble ?