Under review

Google Docs

maxlinker44 6 years ago updated by Alexey Fedorov 6 years ago 1

Google Docs and other google things do not work entirely without extensions (Like copy and paste on Google Docs, like what's the point of firework if you can't even copy and paste hahaha). Since you use chromium can you add a way to add the google extensions or hardcode them ? Thanks !


Under review

Hi. We use Google Docs via Firework every day. Recently we found issues with pages preload, but other features works normal. Can you tell with extensions do you use? Which operation system? We can hardcode extentions, we need more info about this case. Thank you!

Under review

Hi. We use Google Docs via Firework every day. Recently we found issues with pages preload, but other features works normal. Can you tell with extensions do you use? Which operation system? We can hardcode extentions, we need more info about this case. Thank you!