Ваши комментарии
Hm. Nice mouse! We will investigate this issue.
Очень рад, что всё решилось.
I will talk with our developers. Maybe it is possible. I will inform you tomorrow.
Thanks for your idea. Which mouse do you use? Firework supports hotkes Alt + → (Forward) and Alt + ← (Back). Maybe you can set these hotkeys to your mouse buttons in the Settings of your mouse.
Привет. Сразу после установки так было, или в какой-то момент возникло?
Hi. We have installed Instant Eyedropper 1.9.1 but does not found any conflicts. Which hotkeys do you use in it?
A small note: Firework can receive only "browser notifications" (like it works in Google Chrome). Firework cannot receive native Windows notifications. We are going to implement this functionality, but it will be not soon because we have to support three platforms (win, mac, linux).
You need to be sure that you enabled browser notifications in each service. For example Gmail should to know that you want to receive notifications. You should click ⚙ and then "Settings" in the top right, scroll down to the "Desktop notifications" section, and set "New mail notifications on". Something like this you need to do in each service.
Can you tell your Firework version? It should be something like "Firework Pro w2.23.13". You can see it in the bottom of main menu.
Can you tell which services do you use? You can tell just two or three examples.
Повысили приоритет до высшего.
Сообщите, пожалуйста, решилась ли проблема?
Я имел в виду такую галочку: в заголовке окна нажмите на «крышку», затем на три точки справа от адресной строки, первый пункт меню будет «Блокировать рекламу». Он может вырезать некоторые части сайта по ошибке. Можно снять галочку ради интереса. (Но, похоже, проблема у сервиса)
Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho
Hi. Firework uses "AddData" system folder under Windows. It is unlikely that you have the permission to change it. :(