
Cannot install the linux app

gabouriel 4 years ago updated by Alexey Fedorov 4 years ago 2

I download the file but there isn't any executable file

is there a way to get the app working on linux


You need to use terminal in order to install Firework on Linux. The best thing to do is download the file to your Downloads folder: ~/Downloads. Next, open terminal and navigate to your downloads folder by typing cd ~/Downloads. You can then run ls to see all files. Type unzip Firework then press tab to autocomplete. Next type cd Firework then press tab again to enter the folder. The last thing to do is to type ./Firework_start then press tab the last time to autocomplete. This will start the install process and add it to your system. Hope that helps!


Hi, gabouriel! Sorry for the late answer. Also you can install Firework like there:

  1. Unzip archive with Firework
  2. Launch FireworkRun.desktop file by double click.